Students Advocating Volunteer Involvement (SAVI)

Students Advocating Volunteer Involvement (SAVI) is a Student Government program that provides community service and leadership opportunities to all interested students.  SAVI promotes a positive environment through volunteerism and community engagement.  SAVI also assists clubs and other student organizations in their community service efforts. SAVI is based on the Boca Raton, Broward and Jupiter campuses.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi

Boca Raton

Office location: SS-8, Room 228B
Phone number: 561-297-3607
SAVI Director: Meesha Trivedi,
SAVI Associate Director: TBA

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Follow us on Instagram: FAUBOCASAVI



Office location: Student Union, SD, room 210
Phone number: 954-236-1219
SAVI Director: Humberto Arias,
SAVI Coordinator: TBA



Phone number: 561-799-8724
SAVI Director: Sarah Tolve,
SAVI Associate Director: TBA

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