Presentations / Published Abstracts

(From Peer Reviewed State/National/International Presentations, poster or oral presentations):

  1. Danesh, AA (2019). Accommodations for Students with Misophonia in Academic Settings. Misophonia Association Convention. Invited Speaker (online attendance), Denver, Colorado.
  2. Danesh, AA (2019). Misophonia at School (and College). Invited Speaker, Misophonia International, (online webinar attendance), moderated by Jennifer Brout.
  3. Danesh, AA, Eshraghi, AA, Scaglione, T (2019). How to manage patients with tinnitus. Invited Speaker. French American Otolaryngology Meeting. University of Miami.
  4. Danesh, A.A. (2019). Incorporating Tinnitus Services to your Practice. Invited Speaker, Annual Convention of Florida Academy of Audiology, Orlando, FL.
  5. Danesh, A.A & Porcaro, C. (2019). Reasonable Adjustments (Accommodations) for Decreased Sound Tolerance Disorders in Academic Settings. Accepted for presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Hyperacusis/Mini seminar on Misophonia: Causes, Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment, July 2019, London, UK.
  6. Danesh, A.A., Aazh, H., Langguth, B. & Moore, BCJ (2019). The effects of Parental Mental Health in childhood in coping with tinnitus and hyperacusis in adulthood. Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  7. Danesh, A.A., Hall, JW, Manchaiah, V, Scaglione, T, Marghzar, S, Kuzbyt, B., & Aazh, H. (March 2019). Tinnitus: Contemporary Matters, Management Strategies, and Case Studies. Accepted for presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Academy of Audiology. Columbus, OH.
  8. Danesh, A.A. (2018). Hyperacusis and its Management. Invited Speaker, Annual Convention of Florida Academy of Audiology, Orlando, FL.
  9. Danesh, A.A. (2018). Hyperacusis: Underlying pathologies and current state of our knowledge. eAudiology, Inivited Seminar Presentation. American Academy of Audiology.
  10. Danesh, A.A., Wasiuk, P., Marghzar, S & Eshraghi, A. (April 2018). Neural Correlates, Underlying Pathologies, and Clinical Case Studies in Hyperacusis. Annual Convention of the American Academy of Audiology. Nashville, TN.
  11. Porcaro, C.K., Alavi, E., Gollery, T., & Danesh, A.A. (November, 2017). Faculty Awareness of Misophonia and Receptivity to Provide Classroom Accommodations. Technical session presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA
  12. Danesh, A.A (2017). Neural Correlates, Underlying Pathologies and Audiologic Characteristics of Hyperacusis. Invited Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Hyperacusis Causes, Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment, 6-7 July 2017, Guildford, UK.
  13. Danesh, A.A (2017). Sound Tolerance Issues and other Auditory Manifestations in the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Invited Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Hyperacusis Causes, Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment, 6-7 July 2017, Guildford, UK.
  14. Danesh, A.A (2017). Misophonia and Tinnitus: A tale of two cities. Oral presentation. XII International Tinnitus Seminar, 22-24 May, 2017, Warsaw, Poland.
  15. Danesh, A.A., Kennett, S.E., Martin, J., Fulton, S., Hall III, J.W., & Atcherson, S.R. (2017, April 5-8). Grand Rounds: Adult Diagnostics. Invited featured session at the 2017 AudiologyNOW! Convention, Indianapolis, IN.
  16. Danesh, A.A. (2017) Current Scientific Findings about Misophonia. Invited Speaker. Misophonia Association annual convention, Las Vegas, NV.
  17. Danesh, A. A. (2016) Why Audiology? The joy of helping others! Oral presentation. 15th Iranian Congress of Audiology. May 17-19, 2016 Tehran, Iran.
  18. Danesh, A. A. & Aazh, H. (2016) Hyperacusis: Underlying pathologies, neurophysiological correlates and its psycho-audiological management. Oral workshop presentation. 15th Iranian Congress of Audiology. May 17-19, 2016 Tehran, Iran.
  19. Aazh, H. & Danesh, A. A. (2016). How to explain the underlying causes of bothersome tinnitus and hyperacusis for your patient? Oral workshop presentation. 15th Iranian Congress of Audiology. May 17-19, 2016 Tehran, Iran.
  20. Danesh, A. A. (2016) Underlying Pathologies and Neural Correlates of Hyperacusis. Invited Speaker. Tinnitus Practitioners Association (TPA) Sound Sensitivity Conference at Sea. March 2016.
  21. Danesh, A. A. (2016). Hyperacusis: Audiologic Manifestations, Neural Correlates and Underlying Pathologies. Invited Speaker. Department of Otolaryngology Grandrounds, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, April 7, 2016.
  22. Naharci, M., Danesh, A.A., Keintz, C., Engstrom, G.,Tappen, R. & Ouslander, J. (2016). Correlations between self-reported hearing loss and frailty in four ethnic groups. Poster presentation. Annual Convention of the American Academy of Audiology, Phoenix, AZ, April 2016.
  23. Danesh, A.A. Genetic aspects of sensorineural hearing loss. Oral Presentation. Audiology in Practice. Nov 8-10 2015, Tehran, Iran.
  24. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2015). A Computational Framework with Simplified Tonotopicity for Tinnitus Generation and Its Management by Sound Therapy, Proceedings of the 6th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, USA, March 10-13, 2015.
  25. Keintz, C., Singer, C., Newman, D., Danesh, A., Engstrom, G., Ouslander, O. Tappen, R. (2015). Dysphagia and Fatigue: Self-perceptions in Healthy Aging Adults. Annual ASHA convention, Nov 2015, Denver Colorado.
  26. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2015). Simulation of tinnitus generation and its relief by sound therapy with a realistic time scale, in Advances in Biotechnology and Bioscience, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Dubai, UAE, February 22-24, 2015.
  27. Danesh, A. A. Misophonia and its audiologic management. Oral presentation. 14th Iranian Congress of Audiology. 19-21 May. 2015 Tehran, Iran.
  28. Danesh, A.A. Gene therapy and hair cell regeneration for sensorineural hearing loss. Oral Presentation. 14th Iranian Congress of Audiology. 19-21 May 2015, Tehran, Iran.
  29. Aazh, H, Danesh, A. & Mahmoudian, S. Sound Therapy for Tinnitus. Workshop presentation. 14th Iranian Congress of Audiology. 19-21 May 2015, Tehran, Iran.
  30. Singer, C., Keintz, C., Danesh, A., Engstrom, G., Ouslander, O. Tappen, R. (2014). Perceived Swallowing Disorders in Healthy Aging Individuals: Impact on Quality of Life, poster presentation, Annual ASHA convention, Nov 2014, Orlando, Florida.
  31. Sohn, H. & Danesh, A. (2014). Building Connections: Medical Maladies & Communication Complications. Florida Association of Speech & Hearing Association. Oral Presentation, Annual Convention. Lake Buena Vista, FL. May 22-24, 2014.
  32. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2014). A computational model with simplified tonotopicity for tinnitus and its management by sound therapy. Poster Presentation. XI International Tinnitus Seminar, Berlin, Germany May 21-24, 2014.
  33. Sheehan, T. & Danesh, A. (2014). Complex Tinnitus Cases- I've Tried It All, Now What? Oral Presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), Orlando, FL, March 2014.
  34. Danesh, A., Keintz, C., Singer, C., Lieberman, M., Ouslander, J. & Tappen, R. (2014). The effects of Social Engagement and Self Awareness on Communication. Poster Presentation. Annual Convention of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), Orlando, FL, March 2014.
  35. Wilson, U. Kaf, W., Lichtenhan, J & Danesh, A. (2014). Sinusoidal ASSR is better than tone-burst evoked ABR for estimating low-frequency hearing thresholds. Submitted (accepted) to the Associative Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) midwinter meeting.
  36. Keintz, C., Danesh, A., Singer, C., Ouslander, J. & Tappen, R. (2013). Perceived Voice Disorders in the Elderly and Impact on Social Interaction. Poster Presentation. Annual Convention of American Speech-Language & Hearing Association. Chicago, Nov 2013.
  37. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2013).: "A neuronal network model with simplified tonotopicity for tinnitus generation and its management by sound therapy" to BEBI2013 (6th WSEAS International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Informatics) Baltimore, USA, September 17-19, 2013.
  38. Danesh, A. & Hall, J.W, III (2013). Tinnitus Technology Roundtable. Presentation at the 17th annual convention of the Florida Academy of Audiology, Orlando, FL, USA, August 6-8, 2013.
  39. Kaf, W.A., Rafael, K., Ross, A. & Danesh, A. (2013). Binaural Interaction Component of Click ABR and 80-Hz ASSR in Normal-Hearing Adults”, IERASG, New Orleans, LA, USA. June 2013
  40. Danesh, A., Nagashino, H. & Pandya, A. Neural Network Models of Sound Therapy for Tinnitus: Audiologic Perspectives. Poster presentation at the 25th annual convention of the American Academy of Audiology, Anaheim, CA, USA April 3-6, 2013.
  41. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2012). A neuronal network model with homeostatic plasticity for tinnitus generation and management by sound therapy, Proceedings of 2012 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Takamatsu, Japan, p. 254, September 29, 2012.
  42. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2012). A Neuronal Network Model with Homeostatic Plasticity for Tinnitus Generation and Its Management by Sound Therapy. IEEE EMBS CBES to be held in Langkawi, Malaysia, December 17-19, 2012.
  43. Danesh, A & Eshraghi, A. (2012). Otology and Audiology Case Studies. Oral presentation to the Florida Academy of Audiology annual convention in St Augustine, FL, August 2012.
  44. Eshraghi, A. & Danesh, A. (2012). Neurotology and Audiology Case Studies. Oral presentation to the Florida Academy of Audiology annual convention in St Augustine, FL, August 2012.
  45. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2012). A neuronal network model with plasticity of inhibition for tinnitus management by sound therapy. Submitted to MACMESE2012 (The 14th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical & Computational Methods in Science & Engineering). Malta, September 7-9, 2012.
  46. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. & Pandya, A. (2012). A neuronal network model with STDP for tinnitus and its management by sound therapy, Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, 2-7 January 2012, pp. 428-431.
  47. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A . A. & Pandya, S. (2011). A neuronal network model with STDP for tinnitus management by sound therapy, Recent Advances in Applied & Biomedical Informatics and Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, Proceedings of The Fourth WSEAS International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Informatics, Florence, Italy, August 23-25.
  48. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. A. & Pandya, S. (2011). A computational model with plasticity for tinnitus and its management by external stimuli. The X International Tinnitus Seminar. Florianapolis, SC, Brazil. March 2011
  49. Danesh, A.A. (2011) Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence, Diagnosis and Intervention. Invited Speaker 10th Congress on Audiology, April 23-26. Tehran-Iran.
  50. Danesh, A.A. (2011) Update from the 10th International Tinnitus Seminar in Brazil. Invited Speaker 10th Congress on Audiology, April 23-26. Tehran-Iran.
  51. Danesh, A.A. (2011) Auditory Characteristics in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evaluation and Intervention. Invited Speaker 10th Congress on Audiology, April 23-26. Tehran-Iran.
  52. Danesh, A.A. (2010). Tinnitus: Seeing it, Assessing it, and Lessening it. Invited Speaker, Florida Speech , Language, and Hearing Association. FLASHA Convention. Orlando, FL.
  53. Nagashino, H., Kinouchi, Y., Danesh, A. A. & Pandya, S. (2010). Improvement of a neuronal network model for tinnitus management process by sound therapy, Proceedings of 2010 Shikoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Related Engineers, Matsuyama, Japan, p. 184, September 25, 2010.
  54. Danesh, A.A. & Cocchiola, E. (2010). Auditory Traits and Audiologic Intervention for Autism Spectrum. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Audiology, San Diego, CA.